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''The Only Woman'': ''The reality of prejudices and descrimination''
Contributor(s): Adams, Hazeljean Cheeseman (Author)
ISBN: 1418421855     ISBN-13: 9781418421854
Publisher: Authorhouse
OUR PRICE:   $13.25  
Product Type: Paperback - Other Formats
Published: May 2004
Additional Information
BISAC Categories:
- Social Science | Women's Studies
Physical Information: 0.32" H x 5.2" W x 7.92" (0.33 lbs) 128 pages
- Sex & Gender - Feminine
Descriptions, Reviews, Etc.
Publisher Description:
This book is comprised of a series of stories describing situations resulting from being the Only Woman "caught" in a male-dominated world. The author has attempted to keep the book on the "light" side, since many of stories are funny in retrospect. These incidents were actually very hurtful and some were even degrading at the time they occurred. Other stories are not intended to be amusing. They describe the realities of discrimination and "double-standards" facing a female trying to compete (or even survive) in a male dominated technical field. The impact of the incidents described in the book may be difficult for someone to fully understand who has not walked in the shoes of a minority.